Prayer Calls
The Ebenezer clergy team will lead Prayer Calls every Monday through Friday at 7:14 am throughout Lent. Join us on Zoom, YouTube and Facebook Live for these daily sessions of prayer and reflection. Pastor Warnock will lead the Prayer Call every Tuesday during Lent and all of Holy Week.
The start time for the prayer calls is based on the promise of 2 Chronicles 7:14: “If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray, seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
Heal the Land
Pastor Warnock will lead the Prayer Call every Tuesday during Lent and all of Holy Week. Watch the replay of past Heal the Land Prayer Call below.

Lenten Season Daily Scripture Readings
Fasting Guide
Fasting is the voluntary act of refraining from eating, drinking, or indulging in certain activities (like caffeine, red meat, sweets, cigarettes, alcohol, fried foods, junk food, television, secular music, social media, etc.) for a set period. The goal is to deny ourselves these comforts to become more attentive to God.
Fasting should be paired with a prayerful and contrite spirit, along with a penitent heart.
Full Fast: Consume only liquids.
The Daniel Fast: Avoid meat, sweets, and bread. Drink water and juice, and eat fruits and vegetables.
Partial Fast: Fast from 6:00 am to 3:00 pm or from sunrise to sunset.
Choose from a Full Fast, Daniel Fast, or give up at least one type of food. Prayerfully choose a fast in consultation with your doctor. The type of fast you select is a personal decision between you and God, and God will honor your best sacrifice.

Worship Services
Worship with Ebenezer this Lenten Season and experience a time of deep spiritual renewal and community. All worship services will be in-person and streamed online on the Ebenezer website, Facebook and YouTube pages.
Special services include:
- March 5: The Ash Wednesday Ecumenical Service will be held at 7 pm on March 5.
- April 13: Palm Sunday Worship Service will be held at 10 am.
- April 17: Maundy Thursday Worship Service will be held at 7 pm.
- April 20: Resurrection Sunday. Join us for Resurrection Sunday worship at 8 am and 10 am.
Children and Youth
The Easter Egg Hunt will be held on Saturday, April 19. The Children’s Easter Program will be at 1 pm on Resurrection Sunday. Stay tuned for more details.

Christian Education
Navigating Our World Navigating Our World: Join N.O.W. on Wednesdays at 6 pm on Zoom or Facebook Live. The Lenten Theme is Join Us for a Transformative Lenten Journey: Meeting Jesus at the Table. The Ebenezer clergy team and the Navigating Our World (NOW) team will lead the 6-week series that is based on the book Meeting Jesus at the Table: A Lenten Study by Cynthia M. Campbell & Christine Coy Fohr.
Throughout the Gospels, Jesus uses the table as a place of transformation—offering wisdom, healing, and belonging. This Lent, join us for a six-week study where we will explore the meals Jesus shared, the lessons he taught, and the radical hospitality he demonstrated. Each session will invite us to reflect on our own tables: Who is invited? Who is missing? How can we embody Christ’s love in our community? Each session includes Scripture readings, discussion questions, and practical applications for incorporating Christ’s table fellowship into our daily lives.
Join us as we journey together through Lent, deepening our faith and expanding our understanding of what it means to meet Jesus at the table.
Weekly Themes:
- March 12: Family Night (ONSITE and ONLINE) Family night will include dinner and activities for children and youth. Theme: Feeding the Multitude (Chapter 1)
- March 19: (Online ONLY) Theme: The Welcome Table: He Eats with Tax Collectors and Sinners (Chapter 2)
- March 26: (Online ONLY) Theme: Surprised by Grace: Dinner Interrupted (Chapter 3)
- April 2: (Online ONLY) Theme: Making Room at the Table and Empty Seats at the Table (Chapters 4 & 5)
- April 9: (Online ONLY) Theme: Hospitality and Discipleship (Chapter 6)
- April 16: (ONSITE and ONLINE) Dinner will include an Ethiopian Coffee Ceremony and activities for children and youth. Theme: Holy Week: Memories and Tables (Chapters 7 & 8)