Multifaith Initiative to End Mass Incarceration
The Multifaith Initiative to End Mass Incarceration (EMI) engages in local Georgia efforts to educate congregations, support reentry work, participate in narrative shift training, and be educated about local public policy.

Social Justice Ministry
Ebenezer is the spiritual home for justice and our unbroken legacy of championing civil rights endures. We are working hard to mobilize voters, fight voter suppression, and register more eligible voters. The Social Justice Ministry participates in a range of social justice education and advocacy activities including record restriction, bailouts, voter engagement, climate change, and local advocacy.
Social Justice Ministry Contact: Tiffany Williams Roberts, Chair

Global Mission Trips
EBC mission trips are an opportunity to live in the message and carry out the mission of Jesus Christ. With a focus on community development, education, healthcare, and spiritual growth, we have traveled to places like Ethiopia, Puerto Rico, Egypt, and Brazil to make a difference in the lives of individuals and families.
Global Mission Trip Contact: Rev. Bronson E. Woods ()

Ebenezer Missionary Union (EMU)
The Ebenezer Missionary Union (EMU), previously known as the Women’s Missionary Union (WMU), began in 1907 under the direction of Mrs. Jennie C. Williams, the grandmother of Dr. Christine King Farris. In 2016, the WMU was renamed the Ebenezer Missionary Union (EMU) to more accurately reflect the fact that the brotherhood of Ebenezer has always been involved in the work of the mission ministry.
The EMU is made of ten circles, and a chairperson leads each circle. While every circle provides donations and support to the Sadie G. Mays Health and Rehabilitation Center and the Our House shelter, each has an individual service focus. As missionaries, we accept God’s great commission to fulfill the mission of Jesus Christ in the world.
Azzie Lee Neal Circle service focus: Labor Day Mission Project
Carrie Dean Boston Circle service focus: Providing baby items
Circle of Faith service focus: Christmas Mission Project
Esther Jean Roberts service focus: Christmas Mission Project
Hines Rogers service focus: Father’s Day Mission Project
Janie B. Lowe service focus: Thanksgiving Mission Project
Jennie C. Williams service focus: Juneteenth Mission Project
Lizzie P. Thomas service focus: School/University Opening Mission Project
Mary Beth Slade service focus: Supporting the Nicholas House

Food Justice
Ebenezer is committed to addressing food insecurity and promoting food justice in our local communities and around the globe. Programs like the Crisis Closet food distribution, Manna Days grocery giveaways, and Feed the Hungry initiatives help to provide nutritious meals to those in need. Ebenezer partners with the Black Church Food Security Network to host farmers’ markets and educate and empower the community on food access and equity issues.
Crisis Closet: Saturday morning food distribution from the Education Building
Crisis Closet Contact: Karen Stokes
Ebenezer Community Supported Agriculture (CSA): Ebenezer is partnering with The Black Food Security Network, Bread and Butter Farms, and iEatMorePlants® to bring fresh fruits and vegetables to the Old Fourth Ward. Join us as we pilot our first CSA program.
Community Supported Agriculture consists of a community of individuals who pledge support to a farm operation so that the farmland becomes the community’s farm with the growers and consumers providing mutual support and sharing the risk and benefits of food production. You will receive a weekly box of ultra-fresh, nutrient-dense, chemical-free produce every week during the season.
School Food Distribution: EBC distributes food to local schools on select Saturdays
School Food Distribution Contact: Brittany Johnson ()

Health & Wellness
At Ebenezer, we promote both spiritual and physical well-being.
Health Ministry: The EBC Health Ministry plans and implements regular health education seminars and workshops, as well as hosts the Annual Health Fair and Back to School Giveaway
Health Ministry Contact: Dr. Valencia Fleming, President
Choose Healthy Life (CHL): EBC partners with CHL to provide free health screenings, health education, and connect people with primary care physicians
CHL Contact: Deborah Clifton ()
Emergency Health Response Team: The EBC Emergency Health Response Team is a rotation of health providers that are on call for any health emergencies during Sunday worship services
Emergency Health Response Team Contact: Dr. Karen Goodlett, President