This Sunday
Next Sunday
Celebrating the Life of Evangelist Dr. Sandra M. Collins
Order of Service
The Rev. Olivia D. A. Maxwell, M.Div.
“I’ll Fly Away”
The Band Processional
Old Testament
Psalm 23
New Testament
John 14:1-3
“Lord, Keep Me Day by Day”
Monica-Lisa Stevenson
“Beams of Heaven” Medley
Minister Kenneth Lowe
Evangelist Sarah Heard
Evangelist Darlene Young
Nora Wilson, Family Representative
Bishop Ray Neal, Faith Representative
Ambassador, Dr. Lenora Peterson, Community Representative
Musical Tribute
“The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power”
Calvin Cooke and Dante Harmon, Guitarists
Minister Anika Woods
Words of Comfort
Dr. William E. Flippin, Sr. Pastor
The Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church
“He Laid His Hands on Me”
Bishop J. D. Means, Sr.
What is a Capital Campaign?
In January 2015, Ebenezer Baptist Church launched a five-year fundraising campaign to raise $4.5 million dollars to accomplish major capital improvement and debt reduction goals. These goals include: reducing the mortgage principal and improving building and ground facilities; remodeling the Education Building into a Youth Zone; developing a world-class Children’s Chapel, and College and Church School Ministries, including the modernization of classrooms and access to technology to facilitate learning; and investing in and expanding international ministries and programs.
How can I support the campaign?
There are several opportunities for giving to the Ebenezer capital campaign including the Jubilee Legacy Brick Project, Estate Gifts, Ebenezer’s Tympanum bronze relief panel, a one-time capital gift or a multi-year pledge, and the Ebenezer Everywhere Digital Campus. To support the campaign and for additional campaign information, please visit
Jubilee Brick Campaign
Celebrate EBC’s past and invest in the future of global social transformation by purchasing a legacy brick to be placed in front of the Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church Horizon Sanctuary and landscaped Prayer Garden. Purchase one or more bricks and cement your family legacy, memorialize a loved one, or recognize your country or organization in the mission of social transformation. Engraved Bricks can be purchased at: 16×16 = $1,000 8×8 = $500 4×8 = $300. Order Today. Contribute to the Jubilee Brick Campaign of the Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church.
Estate Planning
Ebenezer Baptist Church provides a way for you to leave a legacy that will support ministry for many years to come. Everyone can make a lasting difference and leave a legacy that supports our faith. Through wise estate planning, significant dollars are normally diverted from taxes, probate, and legal costs and redirected to the Lord’s work (without decreasing the amount of inheritance family members will receive)! EBC’s Christian-based estate planning allows members to make generous gifts to their church while they are living, in addition to what they plan to leave after they depart this life. Contact us for details.
Ebenezer’s Tympanum Bronze Relief Panel
As a member, friend, or both, a legacy gift is an opportunity to make a powerful and enduring declaration of support to “America’s Freedom Church,” Ebenezer Baptist Church. A legacy gift entitles and ensures your name or designated name to be permanently engraved in the Tympanum Bronze Relief Panel affixed to Ebenezer Baptist Church Horizon Sanctuary. Contact us for details.
Ebenezer Everywhere Digital Campus
Ebenezer Everywhere will become an international ministries and programs platform, emerging as a global church campus for reaching and teaching the word of God and message of Jesus Christ.Members, guests, partners, donors, leaders, staff, community, and associates will engage, collaborate, and communicate in real-time ministry services, education, events, and activities that are centered around bringing the hearer to Christ and encouraging and equipping people to use their God-given talents and spiritual gifts for individual growth and social transformation.Through expanded reach, this initiative will transform how ministry is shared through a national and global perspective for serving human and social justice needs. Contact us for details.
How can I find out more?
The Capital Campaign Committee would be happy to assist you in obtaining further information on the programs.
Celebration the Life of Johnny Edward Barnhart, Jr.
Order of Service
The Reverend Raphael G. Warnock, Ph.D., Officiating
Senior Pastor, Ebenezer Baptist Church
Dr. Carolyn King-Stephens, Organist/Pianists
Old Testament: Psalm 46:1-4
New Testament: II Timothy 4:6-8
Rev. Chelsea D. Waite
Rev. Chelsea D. Waite
“The Lord’s Prayer”
Kam Showers, Niece
Allen Halliman, III, Family Friend
Kenneth Hamilton, Family Friend
Scotty Barnhart, Son
Deacon Fernanga Thomas, Board of Deacons
Reflections of Life (Obituary)
“Trumpet Solo”
“There Will Never Be Another You”
Scotty Barnhart, Son
“Words of Comfort”
Rev. Dr. Raphael G. Warnock
“Oh Happy Day”
“Flower Ladies ”
“Members of the Family”
Johnny E. Barnhart, III
Scotty Barnhart
Randy Barnhart
Rico Barnhart
Michael Barnhart
Calvin Brown
The Barnhart Family would like to thank everyone for all of the kind messages and prayers of support during this difficult time. A special Thank You to Dr. David Dean, Piedmont Hospital, Vitas Health Care, Ebenezer Baptist Church and Rev. Dr. Raphael G. Warnock, Dr. Patrice E. Turner, Rev. Carl S. Young, Jr., Rev. Chelsea D. Waite, Dr. Carolyn King-Stephens, Heather Taylor, Donald Trimble Mortuary, and Westview Cemetery.
Celebrating the Life of Amber Denise McCants
Order of Service
The Reverend Raphael G. Warnock, Ph.D., Officiating
Senior Pastor, Ebenezer Baptist Church
Cori Stevenson, Pianist
Old Testament: Psalm 23
Carrie E. Crook
New Testament: 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Maura E. Crook
Rev. Carl S. Young, Jr.
“The Blood Medley”
Dr. Patrice E. Turner
Monica Crook and Errol Crook, Mother and Uncle
Nicole Guilford, Friend of 30 years
Cheryl Scales, Ebenezer Baptist Church Small Group
Deacon Elliot Bryant, Ebenezer Board of Deacons
“You Deserve It”
Dr. Patrice E. Turner
Words of Comfort
Rev. Dr. Raphael G. Warnock
“Goin’ Up Yonder”
Dr. Patrice E. Turner
Celebrating the Life of
Congressman John Robert Lewis (GA-05)
Order of Service
The Reverend Raphael G. Warnock, Ph.D., Officiating
Senior Pastor, Ebenezer Baptist Church
“Savior Like a Shepherd”
William Bradbury
Monica Hargrave, Harpist
Trey Clegg, Organist
“It Is Well”
Philip Bliss
“To God Be the Glory”
Andraé Crouch
“Amazing Grace”
John Newton/arr. Trey Clegg
“Improvisation on We Shall Overcome”
arr. Carl W. Haywood
“Fanfare for the Common Man”
Aaron Copland/arr. Trey Clegg
Processional and Call to Celebration
The Reverend Dr. Raphael G. Warnock
Old Testament Reading
Psalm 23
Mrs. Hydreca Brewster Niece
New Testament Reading
1 Corinthians 13
Mrs. Rosalynn King, Niece
The Reverend Dr. Bernice A. King
CEO, The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change
“Only What You Do for Christ Will Last”
Raymond Rasberry
Ms. Jennifer Holliday
William Ernest Henley
Master Tybre Faw
The Honorable George W. Bush
43rd President, United States of America
The Honorable William J. Clinton
42nd President, United States of America
The Honorable Nancy Pelosi
Speaker of the U. S. House of Representatives
The Reverend James M. Lawson, Jr.
Activist and Teacher in Nonviolent Action
“If I Can Help Somebody”
Alma Bazel Androzzo
Ms. Kathleen J. Bertrand
Mrs. Xernona Clayton
Founder, Trumpet Awards Foundation, Inc.
The Honorable William Craig Campbell
Former Mayor, City of Atlanta
Ms. Jamila Thompson
Deputy Chief of Staff
Mrs. Sheila O’Brien
“Take My Hand, Precious Lord”
Thomas A. Dorsey
Ms. Jennifer Holliday
The Honorable Barack H. Obama II
44th President, United States of America
“Good Trouble”
BeBe Winans
Mr. BeBe Winans and Pastor Marvin L. Winans
The Benediction
Dr. Warnock
Pharrell Williams
Private Interment
South-View Cemetery
1990 Jonesboro Road, SE
Atlanta, GA 30315
Celebrating the Life of Benjamin Ridgeway
Order of Service
The Reverend Raphael G. Warnock, Ph.D.
“It Is Well with My Soul”
Melissa James
David F. Oliver, Organist
Old Testament
Psalm 31:1-5
New Testament
John 14:1-6
Prayer Rev. Bronson Elliott Woods
“This River”
The J. L. Roberts, Jr. Men’s Chorus
William Ridgeway, Brother
Deborah Lovejoy, Friend
Harry Holley, Co-Worker
Deacon James C. Gaskin, Ebenezer Board of Deacons
Video Tribute
“He’s Been Keeping Me”
The Uzee Brown Society of Choraliers
Words of Comfort
Rev. Dr. Raphael G. Warnock
“When We All Get To Heaven” Melissa James
The Ebenezer app is here! Download the app by using the links below:
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If you have an Android device, click here to download the app from the Google Play Store.
Ebenezer Baptist Church provides a way for you to leave a legacy that will support ministry for many years to come. Everyone can make a lasting difference and leave a legacy that supports our faith. Through wise estate planning, significant dollars are normally diverted from taxes, probate, and legal costs and redirected to the Lord’s work (without decreasing the amount of inheritance family members will receive)! EBC’s Christian-based estate planning allows members to make generous gifts to their church while they are living, in addition to what they plan to leave after they depart this life.
As a member, friend, or both, a legacy gift is an opportunity to make a powerful and enduring declaration of support to “America’s Freedom Church,” Ebenezer Baptist Church. A legacy gift entitles and ensures your name or designated name to be permanently engraved in the Tympanum Bronze Relief Panel affixed to Ebenezer Baptist Church Horizon Sanctuary.
Please fill out the following form to begin your brick order.
In January 2015, Ebenezer Baptist Church launched a five-year fundraising campaign to raise $4.5 million dollars to accomplish major capital improvement and debt reduction goals. These goals include: reducing the mortgage principal and improving building and ground facilities; remodeling the Education Building into a Youth Zone; developing a world-class Children’s Chapel, and College and Church School Ministries, including the modernization of classrooms and access to technology to facilitate learning; and investing in and expanding international ministries and programs.
There are several opportunities for giving to the Ebenezer capital campaign including the Jubilee Legacy Brick Project, Estate Gifts, Ebenezer’s Tympanum bronze relief panel, a one-time capital gift or a multi-year pledge, and the Ebenezer Everywhere Digital Campus. To support the campaign and for additional campaign information, please visit